Подборка бесплатных книг по программированию от O’Reilly


Подборка бесплатных книг по программированию от O’Reilly

Все книги на английском языке. Список включает книги по C++, Java, Python и многие другие.

Подборка бесплатных книг по программированию от O'Reilly
Подборка бесплатных книг по программированию от O’Reilly
  1. Microservices for Java Developers.
  2. Modern Java EE Design Patterns.
  3. Object-Oriented vs. Functional Programming.
  4. Java: The Legend.
  5. A Whirlwind Tour of Python.
  6. 20 Python Libraries You Aren’t Using (But Should).
  7. Hadoop with Python.
  8. How to Make Mistakes in Python.
  9. Functional Programming in Python.
  10. Python in Education.
  11. Picking a Python Version: A Manifesto.
  12. What’s New in Swift 3.
  13. Why Reactive?
  14. Using Blocks in Ruby.
  15. Fintech, Open Source, and Emerging Markets.
  16. Practical C++ Metaprogramming.
  17. Real-World Maintainable Software.
  18. Trends Shaping the London Tech Scene.
  19. 2016 European Software Development Salary Survey.
  20. Why Rust?
  21. C++ Today.
  22. RxJava for Android App Development.
  23. Swift Pocket Reference.
  24. Open Source in Brazil.
  25. Ten Steps to Linux Survival.
  26. Open by Design.
  27. Getting Started with InnerSource.
  28. Microservices in Production.
  29. Developing Reactive Microservices.
  30. Microservices AntiPatterns and Pitfalls.
  31. Microservices vs. Service-Oriented Architecture.
  32. Evolving Architectures of FinTech.
  33. Software Architecture Patterns.
  34. Migrating to Cloud-Native Application Architectures.
  35. Reactive Microservices Architecture.