Шпаргалка Cisco CCNA (Cheat Sheet)

Шпаргалка Cisco CCNA (Cheat Sheet)
Шпаргалка Cisco CCNA (Cheat Sheet)

Сертификат Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) — это популярный сертификат начального уровня в области ИТ. Получение сертификата — это отличный способ начать карьеру в сфере технологий. Работодатели всегда ищут профессионалов, разбирающихся в автоматизации, безопасности, программировании и новейших сетевых технологиях. CCNA — это наиболее уважаемая сертификация ассоциативного уровня в сфере ИТ.
Если вы собираетесь сдавать экзамен CCNA, это руководство поможет направить вас в нужное русло. Экзамен охватывает множество тем, таких как основы безопасности и сетевых технологий, IP-соединения, доступ к сети, IP-услуги, автоматизация и программируемость. Сдать нужно только один экзамен, что очень удобно для тех, у кого мало времени, чтобы начать или продвинуть свою карьеру.

Ниже приведены команды и их описания:

Настройка сетевого подключения

Ниже приведены основные команды конфигурирования сети и их описания:

Enter interface configuration mode: (config)# interface g1/0

Human-readable link description: (config-if)# description Link to Some host

Add IPv4 address to interface: (config-if)# ip address

Add IPv6 address to interface: (config-if)# ipv6 address 2001:41d0:8:e115::ccc/64

Overwrite MAC address: (config-if)# mac address 1234.5678.90AB

Remove MAC overwrite: (config-if)# no mac address

Add IPv6 address based on MAC to interface: (config-if)# ipv6 address 2001:41d0:8:e115::/64 eui-64

Get IPv4 address via dhcp: (config-if)# ip address dhcp

Get IPv6 address (and default route) via autoconfig: (config-if)# ipv6 address autoconfig [default]

Set hostname transmitted as dhcp client to SW2: (config-if)# ip dhcp client client-id asccii SW2

Configure both interfaces at once: (config)# interface g1/0 - 2

En- or Disable interface. Often shutdown is the default: (config-if)# [no] shutdown

Set as the default gateway: (config)# ip default-gateway

Add static route via next hop or interface: (config)# ip route {,e0/0} [ad]

You can also set both: (config)# ipv6 route 2001:41d0:8:e115::/64 [g1/1] [next hop]

Create a static host entry on this device: (config)# ip host the-space.agency

Globally enable ipv6 routing: (config)# ipv6 unicast-routing

 Поиск и устранение неисправностей сети

Show interfaces mac, bandwidth, mtu, packet stats, etc.: # show interfaces [if-name]

Show routes and how they were learned: # show ip[v6] route [static]

Show interfaces ip/arp/icmp/nd... configuration: # show ip[v6] interface [if-name]

Only show ip, status, and operational status: # show ip[v6] interface brief [if-name]

Similar to show ip int brief, w/ cidr, w/o ok/method: # show protocols [if-name]

Show the MAC address table of a switch: # show mac-address-table

Clear the dynamically learned mac address table entries: # clear mac address-table [dynamic]

Show {ip,ipx,appletalk}-mac bindings: # show arp

Show ip-mac bindings: # show ip arp [{ip, mac, if-name}]

Remove arp entry for ip: # clear [ip] arp

Show debug messages when receiving/sending arp packets: # debug arp

Disable all previously enabled debugs: # undebug all

Show neighbor discovery table cache: # show ipv6 neighbors

Поиск и устранение неисправностей в сетях с помощью Span

Define SPAN #23 input as g1/1: (config)# monitor session 23 source interface g1/1 {rx,tx,both}

Define SPAN #23 output as g1/2: (config)# monitor session 23 destination interface g1/2

Show all configured SPANs: # show monitor


Безопасность порта

En/Disable port-security: (config-if)# [no] switchport port-security

Number of allowed MACs: (config-if)# switchport port-security maximum 1

Manually allow a MAC on this port: (config-if)# switchport port-security mac-address 1234.5678.9abc

Allow learning of connected macs until mac reached: (config-if)# switchport port-security mac-address sticky

Shutdown port when another device gets connected: (config-if)# switchport port-security violation shutdown

Re-enable if after port-security violation: (config-if)# shutdown (config-if)# no shutdown

Re-enable if automatically after the problem is fixed: (config)# errdisable recovery cause psecure-violation

Re-check every 42 seconds (min 30, default 300): (config)# errdisable recovery interval 42

Условия нарушения безопасности порта:

  • Защита: отбрасывает пакеты, предупреждений нет
  • Ограничить: отбрасывает пакеты, подсчет нарушений безопасности
  • Shutdown: отключает порт (по умолчанию)

Устранение неполадок с безопасностью портов

Port status, violation mode, max/total MACs and more: # show port-security [interface g1/1]

Secure MACs on ports: # show port-security address

Check if auto-recovery is enabled (disabled by default): # show errdisable recovery

Layer2 Switch Vlan Config

[delete vlan or] create vlan and enter config-vlan mode: (config)# [no] vlan 23

Name this vlan TelephoneSanitizer: (config-vlan)# name TelephoneSanitizer

Make frames out this port untagged: (config-if)# switchport mode access

Make frames out this port tagged by default: (config-if)# switchport mode trunk

Sometimes the default is ciscos old isl: (config-if)# switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

Except for vlan 256, which remains untagged: (config-if)# switchport trunk native vlan 256

Layer3 Switch Vlan Config

Enter interface config mode: (config)# interface vlan 23

Set device ip in vlan 23: (config-if)# ip address

Virtual interfaces are disabled by default: (config-if)# no shutdown

Delete vlan 23: (config)# no vlan 23

Router (on a Stick) Vlan Config

Create subinterface g1/1.10 on g1/1: (config)# interface g1/1.10

Enable ieee 802.1Q vlan tagging with vlan 10 on the subinterface: (config-subif)# encapsulation dot1q 10

Show vlans and their trunk interfaces: # show vlans

Поиск и устранение неисправностей в сети на коммутаторе

Show vlan settings for all switch ports: # show vlan [{id 23, name TelephoneSanitizer}] [brief]

Verify mode and vlan of g1/1: # show interfaces g1/1 switchport

Show trunk settings and state: # show interfaces g1/1 trunk

Quick way to search the running config: # show run interface vlan 1

Show trunk mode / access vlan: # show interface status

Show current DTP mode for g1/1: # show dtp interface g1/1


Протокол Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) (802.1D) блокирует порты, имеющие повторяющиеся связи, чтобы предотвратить петли второго уровня и широковещательные штормы.

Make this device the primary/secondary root bridge: (config)# spanning-tree vlan 1 root {primary, secondary}

Enable bpdu guard for all portfast enable interfaces: (config)# spanning-tree portfast bpduguard default

Enable portfast for all non-trunk interfaces: (config)# spanning-tree portfast default

Enable gpduguard on this interface: (config-if)# spanning-tree bpduguard enable

Enable portfast on this interface: (config-if)# spanning-tree portfast

Enable root guard on this interface: (config-if)# spanning-tree guard root

Устранение неполадок STP

Who's the root and how do I get there? # show spanning-tree [vlan 1]

Is global portfast/bpduguard configured? # show spanning-tree summary

Is portfast/bpduguard configured on this interface? # show running-config interface g1/1

Is portfast active on this interface? # show spanning-tree interface g1/1 portfast

Etherchannel (Link Aggregation)

Configure g1/1 and g1/2 at the same time: (config)# interface range g1/1 - 2

Add both interfaces to etherchannel 1 (PAgP): (config-if-range)# channel-group 1 mode {auto, desirable}

Add both interfaces to etherchannel 1 (LACP): (config-if-range)# channel-group 1 mode {active, passive}

Add both interfaces to etherchannel 1 (Static): (config-if-range)# channel-group 1 mode on

Configure virtual interface for etherchannel 1: (config)# interface port-channel 1

Put etherchannel 1 in trunk mode: (config-if)# switchport mode trunk

Add tagged vlans 10,20,30 on etherchannel 1: (config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20,30

Устранение неисправностей Etherchannel (агрегация каналов)

Includes the combined bandwidth and members as extra info: # show interface port-channel 1

Show etherchannel protocols and members as a list: # show etherchannel summary

Show per member state and stats: # show etherchannel port-channel 1

Настройка последовательного интерфейса

Скорость соединения на уровне 1 задается CSU/DSU, в лаборатории без внешнего CSU/DSU и с использованием кабеля DTE (Data Termianl Equipment) и кабеля DCE (Data Communications Equipment).

Configure interface serial 1/0: (config)# interface serial 1/0

Set clock rate on DCE router side to 128 kbps: (config-if)# clock rate 128000

Verify clock rate for serial interface 1/0: (config)# show controllers serial 1/0


Create ACL #23 or append a rule to ACL #23, allow 1.2.x.x: (config)# access-list 23 permit []

Delete entire ACL #23: (config)# no access-list 23

Renumber ACL Rules, put first on #5, increment by 10: (config)# ip[v6] access-list resequence local_only 5 10

Create ACL and/or enter config mode for ACL #23: (config)# ip access-list {standard, extended} 23

Create ACL and/or enter config mode for ACL 'local_only': (config)# ip access-list {standard, extended} local_only

Append rule to standard ACL 'local_only': (config-std-nac1)# permit

Append rule to ACL at sequence number 5: (config-std-nac1)# 5 permit

Remove rule with sequence# from ACL: (config-std-nac1)# no <sequence#>

Интерфейсные ACL

Enter if-config mode for g1/1: (config)# inter g1/1

Apply ACL #23 to outgoing packets, not send by the router: (config-if)# ip access-group 23 out

Apply ACL #42 to incoming packets: (config-if)# ip access-group 42 in

Overwrite the used ACL, only one ACL per if + proto + direction!: (config-if)# ip access-group local_only in

The v6 syntax of course differs...: (config-if)# ipv6 traffic-filter 23 out

Show ACLs on g1/1 (When none set shows not set for v4 and nothing for v6): # show ip interface g1/1 | incl access list

Устранение неполадок ACL

Show all configured ACLs: # show [ip[v6]] access-lists

Display all rules in ACL #10 and how often they matched: # show access-list 10


Локальные адреса находятся внутри сети. Глобальные адреса находятся вне сети.

  • Внутренний локальный: IP-адрес, назначенный хосту внутри аськи, немаршрутизируемый.
  • Внутренний глобальный: IP-адрес, назначенный центром сетевой информации или интернет-провайдером, маршрутизируемый
  • Внешний локальный: IP-адрес удаленного узла, как он выглядит внутри сети, немаршрутизируемый
  • Внешний глобальный: IP-адрес удаленного узла, назначенный владельцем узла, маршрутизируемый
Enter if-config mode for g1/1: (config)# int g1/1

Configure on g1/1: (config-if)# ip address

Packets going out, need to change their src, incoming their dest ip: (config-if)# ip nat outside

Enter if-config mode for g1/2: (config)# int g1/2

Configure on g1/2: (config-if)# ip address

Packets going out, need to change their dest, incoming their src ip: (config-if)# ip nat inside


SNAT - statically map an internal ip 1:1 to an external ip: (config)# ip nat inside source static


Create an ACL identifying 10.10.23/24: (config)# access-list 42 permit

Create an IP Address Pool for NATing: (config)# ip nat pool POOL netmask

DNAT IPs matching ACL #42 1:1 with IPs from nat pool 'POOL': (config)# ip nat inside source list 42 pool POOL


Create an ACL identifying 10.10/16: (config)# access-list 10 permit

PAT IPs matching ACL #10 many:1 with g1/1s public IP: (config)# ip nat inside source list 10 interface g1/1 overload

Устранение неполадок NAT

Show nat table entries if any: # show ip nat translations

Show translations are actually used and interfaces are marked in/out correctly: # show ip nat statistics

Clear dynamic translations. Doesn't mess with SNAT!: # clear ip nat translation {ip, *}

DHCP Server

Don't distribute these IPs in leases: (config)# ip dhcp excluded-address

Create and/or enter dhcp config for pool 'PCs': (config)# ip dhcp pool PCs

Define pool addresses: (dhcp-config)# network /24

Define default-gateway to be distributed in the leases: (dhcp-config)# default-router

Lease validity time: (dhcp-config)# lease

Enter interface config mode on client-facing interface: (config)# int g1/1

Relay DHCP Requests to this host: (config-if)# ip helper-address

Устранение неполадок DHCP

Show dhcp lease information: # show dhcp lease

Show pool size and addresses in use: # show ip dhcp pool

Show which mac got which ip: # show ip dhcp binding

See if ip dhcp exclude-address / pool stuff is wrong: # sh run | section dhcp

See if ip helper-address is wrong: # sh run int g1/1


Join HSRP Group: (config-if)# standby [group-number] ip

(optional) Set prio of this router: (config-if)# standby [group-number] priority

(optional) Preempt other routers when this router becomes active: (config-if)# standby [group-number] preempt

(optional) Set HSRP Version: (config-if)# standby {1,2}

Устранение неполадок HSRP

HSRP Groups, their VIPs, state, active router, standby router, preemption: # show standby


Create ip sla test #23 and enter its config mode: (config)# ip sla 23

Define icmp-echo test: (config-ip-sla)# icmp-echo

Frequency in seconds: (config-ip-sla)# frequency 42

Start test #23 now and until manually stopped: (config)# ip sla schedule 23 life {forever, seconds} start-time now

Устранение неисправностей SLA

Show all configured ip sla configs: # show ip sla configuration

Show sla results: # show ip sla statistics

Управление устройством

Set hostname to R1: (config)# hostname R1

Set enable password: (config)# enable password

Same but with hashing: (config)# enable secret

Very weak encryption of passwords: (config)# service password-encryption

Copy something from flash to tftp. Wizard asks for details. It works both ways: # copy flash0: tftp:

# copy running-config startup-config: # write

# erase startup-config: # write erase

Restart the device and load the startup-config: # reload

Copy running-config to a tftp server. (interactive): # copy running-config tftp:

Merge source config into the running config: # copy running-config

Initial configuration dialog: # setup

ios, bootloader and hardware infos, uptime, configuration register: # show version

Управление прошивкой

Boot filename.bin from flash memory: (config)# boot system flash:filename.bin

Boot filename.bin from tftp: (config)# boot system tftp://

Boot ROM monitor as a backup: (config)# boot system rom

Set the 16bit Configuration Register value used after reboot: (config)# config-register 0x2342

Lists available file systems: # show file systems

List fs content and free space: # show flash0:

Управление лицензиями

Save a copy of all licenses: # license save flash:licenses.lic

Install a license: # license install flash0:license.xml

Activate evaluation right-to-use license: (config)# license boot module technology-package

Reboot to activate the package and right to use license: # reload

Deactivate a technology-package: (config)# license boot module technology-package disable

Reboot without that technology-package: # reload

Remove license from the license storage: # license clear

Remove the no longer needed line from the config: (config)# no license boot module technology-package disable

Active licenses: # show licenses

Technology pack and feature licenses supported: # show license feature

Product id and serial number needed to order licenses: # show license udi

Сброс пароля

Show the configuration register in rom monitor: > confreq

Set the configuration register in rom monitor to not load startup-conf: > confreq 0x2142

Reboot in rom monitor: > reset

Overwrite forgotten password: (config)# enable secret foobar

Do load startup-config after boot again: (config)# config-register 0x2102

Telnet / Console

Make sure to include legal terms to sound smart: (config)# banner login "Insert snarky banner."

Set Login Banner: (config)# banner motd "Insert snarky banner."

Enter config mode for vty 0 to 4 (up to 15 allowed): (config)# line vty 0 4

Enter config mode for the console port: (config)# line console 0

Require login on telnet/console connection: (config-line)# login

Enable Telnet and set vty login password: (config-line)# password

Set ACL to limit inbound IPs allowed to access vty: (config-line)# access-class 10 in

Overwrite the used ACL, only one ACL per vty + direction!: (config-line)# access-class 42 in

Autologout after 10 Minutes: (config-line)# exec-timeout 10

Require login on telnet/console connection via local users: (config-line)# login local

Create local user with encrypted password: (config)# username h.acker secret C1sco123


Required to generate SSH keys: (config)# hostname Fooba

Required to generate SSH keys: (config)# ip domain-name example.com

Generate keys like it's 1995! Potentially takes forever: (config)# crypto key generate rsa modulus 2048

Force SSHv2: (config)# ip ssh version 2

Force ssh, disable telnet: (config-line)# transport input ssh

SSH version, timeout time, auth retries: # show ip ssh

List of active connections: # show ssh


Show time and date: # show clock

Update clock: (config)# clock set 23:50:42 10 Jan 2017

Update timezone to EST: (config)# clock timezone EST 0

Configure upstream ntp server: (config)# ntp server

Enable ntp server: (config)# ntp master [stratum]

ntp connections: # show ntp associations

Отключение неиспользуемых служб

Show open ports: # show control-plane host open-ports

Stop the http server (but not https): (config)# no ip http server

Stop CDP: (config)# no cdp enable


Local backup user: (config)# username password

Enable aaa services: (config)# aaa new-model

Add and define Radius conf: (config)# radius server

Use this hostname/ip of server: (config-radius-server)# address ipv4 [auth-port ]

Radius PSK: (config-radius-server)# key

Create authentication group: (config)# aaa group server radius

Using the radius config: (config-sg-radius)# server name

Allow that group and local users in: (config)# aaa authentication login group local


Local backup user: (config)# username password

Enable aaa services: (config)# aaa new-model

Add and define TACACS conf: (config)# tacacs server

Multiple possible: (config)# aaa group server tacacs+

Allow that group and local users in: (config)# aaa authentication login group local


Log to this syslog server (name or ip): # logging

Only log messages with min. informational sev: # logging trap informational


Contact email: (config)# snmp-server contact [email protected]

Where is the device: (config)# snmp-server location RZ-Hamburg

Add community: (config)# snmp-server community [ro, rw]

SNMP notifications recipient: (config)# snmp-server host

CDP — Cisco Discovery Protocol

Enables cdp globaly and on all interfaces (default): # [no] cdp run

Enable cdp on an interface: # (config-if)# [no] cdp enable

List connected cisco devices (name, local/remote port, [ip] ..): # show cdp neighbors [detail]

LLDP — Link Layer Discovery Protocol

Enables lldp globaly and on all interfaces: # [no] lldp run

Enable lldp packet transmission on interface: (config-if)# [no] lldp transmit

Enable lldp packet reception on interace: (config-if)# [no] lddp receive


Create users for pap auth: (config)# username fnord password pass

Baud rate. Only on DCE cable: (config-if)# clock rate 125000

Logical speed used for routing cost calc, RSVP: (config-if)# bandwidth 125

Default is HDLC: (config-if)# encapsulation ppp

Require remote to authenticate via pap: (config-if)# ppp authentication pap

Authenticate to remote pap: (config-if)# ppp pap sent-username fnord password pass

Required for CHAP, used as chap client username: (config)# hostname routy1

Create users for chap auth for routy2: (config)# username routy2 password foobar

Remove in favor of chap: (config-if)# no ppp authentication pap

Remove in favor of chap: (config-if)# no ppp pap sent-username fnord password pass

Require remote to authenticate via chap: (config-if)# ppp authentication chap

Мы надеемся, что это краткое руководство будет полезным для подготовки к экзамену CCNA. Хотя экзамен всего один и подготовка к нему не занимает много времени, сертификация CCNA открывает множество дверей для новичков в области ИТ.

Получение сертификата — это отличный способ начать карьеру в сфере технологий. Работодатели всегда ищут профессионалов, разбирающихся в автоматизации, безопасности, программируемости и новейших сетевых технологиях. CCNA — это наиболее уважаемая сертификация ассоциативного уровня в ИТ-секторе.